Thailand is the world's largest rubber manufacturer

Thailand is the world's largest rubber manufacturer

      Thailand is the world's largest rubber manufacturer for a long time, not less than 20 years, with ability of production at 3.82 million tons per year, next is Indonesia 2.54 million tons per year, Vietnam’s 1.31 million tons per year, China's 1.29 million tons per year and India 1.18 million tons per year . By Thailand can produced a rubber smoked sheets, Rubber bar, Crepe rubber, and especially Rubber latex is an important raw material of finished products manufacturer, such as tires, rubber gloves, rubber tubing, etc.

Biolab to Spend B300m for Plant Upgrade

 Biolab to Spend B300m for Plant Upgrade

       A leading pharmaceutical maker, Biolab Co., Ltd., will spend 300 million baht in 2012 to improve its production plant at Bangpu Industrial Estate in Samut Prakan.  President Rachod Thakolsri said the upgrade will help strengthen production prior to Asean Economic Community in 2015.
      Four years ago, Biolab has already upgraded its plant using 450 million baht.  It has positioned itself to be a pharmaceutical leader in Southeast Asia for many years.
     Biolab, an affiliate of the Bio Group, was found in 1981 to produce various formulations such as powders, tablets, capsules, liquids, ointments, creams, and sterile preparations (small-volume liquids and powders).  It exports more than 150 products to Hong Kong, Singapore, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, the Middle East and Africa.
      Because of great demand, Biolab increased their investment to more than US$10 million to triple its production capacity while importing advanced production lines and having its own research and development and quality-control laboratories.
     Sales from original-equipment manufacturing (OEM) is expected to increase from 10% to 30% of total sales within four years where as the revenue from its own brands will drop from 90% to 70%.
     It is expected that this year’s sales figure will reach 1.2 billion baht, a jump of 9% from 1.1 billion baht last year.
      In 2011, Biolab signed a contract with the Pfizer, a New York pharmaceutical company, to produce and supply Pfizer products in local market.  Besides Pfizer, Biolab is hoping to produce for other US drug makers domestically.  The company signed an OEM contract to make medicine for Takeda, a Japanese Pharmaceutical firm.  It is in talks with other global pharmaceutical companies to make and distribute in Asean.
      According to Mr. Rachod, the government’s initiation to turn Thailand into Asia’s medical hub during integration of Asean in 2015 will be beneficial to Thailand’s medical sector.


CPF Targets Vietnam’s Middle Class Consumers

CPF Targets Vietnam’s Middle Class Consumers

      CPF Vietnam Corporation, an affiliate of Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited, is expanding into food processing from livestock to meet an increasing demand from middle class people.

     Sooksunt Jiumjaiswanglerg, the chief executive of CP Vietnam Corporation (CPV) disclosed the direction on group’s business in Vietnam that would concentrate more on food processing and ready-to-eat food.  Brands and marketing will play an important role there.

      Found in 1993, CP Vietnam Corporation, formerly known as CP Vietnam Livestock Corporation, is the leading livestock and aquaculture company in Vietnam.  Later it incorporated whole food production chain – making and distributing animal fee, breeding and farming of livestock and aquatic animals and the processing and production of meat and packaged food items.
      Ninety percent of business comes from animal feed, feed meal and aquatic animal farming while remaining 10% is from food processing and ready-to-eat food.  The average growth percentage for the past five years is 29% per year.  In 2011, CPV earned 30 trillion dong (44.4 billion baht), or 50% increase.  Vietnam’s economy is projected to grow at 6% in 2012.  The company expects its revenue growth of 15%.

      Vietnam’s growth will boost financial services and basic sectors like food and beverage.  Out of 90 million people, 68% is under the age of 40.  Higher workforce will push consumer spending for the next 10-15 years.  Middle class group consists of 7 million families.  This number will likely to double in five years.


Fruits and vegetables from Thailand

Fruits and vegetables from Thailand
      Fruit and vegetable is the exports products that make a lot of income to Thailand, In each year, Thai exports fresh fruit and frozen vegetables is value around  3-4 thousand million per year, and  average growth rate is 15-20%, because of Thailand have a various of fruits and vegetable production result in advantage of type item and flexible  in volume of export ,and also Thai fruit and vegetable are high-quality products, product from Thailand are popular and accepted by consumers overseas.
      The major export markets of Thai fruit and vegetable are China, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, Japan and Indonesia accounted for 79% of the total proportion of the value of all exports. At the same time, there are other markets that have a high growth rate, such as Myanmar, where the market has expanded at 45% and South Korea ,where the market are expanding at 20%.
      In China market, although at present China is the country as a competitor in the market of Fruits and vegetables, but at the same time many state of China  are important distribution center. The fruit that is popular in China is longan, mangosteen, durian, banana,. Rambutan and rose apple, all of these fruit are sell in general fruit shop and include to supermarkets
      In European markets, such as Greece and Switzerland, dry pineapple and Crystallized pineapple are very popular because of the quality and good taste, but due to the pineapple that imports from Thailand are higher-priced than imported from South America or Africa, result in the market share in Switzerland is still not much.
      For the United States market. The popular Thai fruits in the United States West Coast market is  mangosteen, longan and Rambutan While the markets in California and neighboring States have high demand of mango from Thai In addition young coconut and  healthy fruit juice such as  longan juice , mangosteen juice or the juice that come from the Royal project  has been sent to suppliers in the United States, but potential of expanded are  still not much. Mango from Thai are still cannot compete with mango from Mexico because of the cost of air freight are so high  and also  quality of mango from Thai  cannot endurance with transport by boat that may take long time in transport

Furniture and home decor from Thai

Furniture and home decor from Thai  

       Furniture industry Is important to economy of THAILAND, because it is an industry that relies on domestic raw materials in production process. Most of company’s hire local artisans to make product, approximately 90 percent of Thai entrepreneurs is manufacture for export. The main raw material of Thai furniture is rubber wood, Thailand is the world's largest rubber wood plantations, and rubber wood has been used to make furniture. As a result, there are many rubber wood furniture’s company occur in Thailand

      The major export markets of Thai furniture industry are United States, European Union and Japan, but the current export values are still reduced growth rate compared to the main partner countries. This problem comes from the pressure of competitive country, such as Viet Nam, Malaysia, China all of these countries turned attention to furniture exports, and also the governments support entrepreneurs in their country do proactive marketing.

Textiles and apparel from THAILAND

Textiles and apparel from THAILAND

      In 2012 THAILAND has exported  textile and Apparel is value around 7, 300 million us dollars, with 4,272.85 us million dollars from exports textile and  2,949.69 us million dollars from exports apparel, which  important market come from  ASEAN ,United States ,European Union, Japan and China.

      ASEAN market is an important market for Thai textile industry. THAILAND exports to ASEAN more than1,500 million us dollars ,by  Thailand has been exporting a lot of fabric to Viet Nam and Myanmar, includes Cambodian ,Thai apparel is popular in Cambodian. In addition to being a major textile export market of Thai. ASEAN  also is an important production base for export to all over the world. Therefore, the Thai textile products is likely to grow continuously. There are also opportunities for investment expansion into neighboring countries where labor costs are cheaper. And in some countries the trade benefits from Western Nations.

Sugar production in THAILAND

Sugar production in THAILAND

      Sugar is Commodity goods  with the movement of the price based on world market price. By now, THAILAND have sugar factory more over 40 place, which distribution in area of sugarcane farming ,THAILAND production sugar approximately 80 sack per year, Thai people consume sugar around 30 kg/person/year in November-December, 2012 amount of domestic sugar consumption are 450, 621.70 tons while consumption abroad is between 10-70 kg/person/year in overall since January-December total in the years 2012 it over two million tons. Increased 4%.

      In 2011-2012 sugar factory in THAILAND over 46 factory, have been stopped production of raw sugar, but there are some factories have taken raw sugar for melt and turn it into a white refined sugar in 2012-2013 there are 2 sugar factory open new in THAILAND, and have quantity of sugar produced from January – December 2012 total  9966 655.68 tons in this number have raw sugar4,923,697.70 tons, or 49% of the overall produced sugar

      THAILAND is a number 1 of exporters sugar cane and sugar in ASEAN.THAILAND have been exported to countries in the ASEAN about 2.73 million tons in the year 2011 while the market demand for imports approximately 2.9 million tons a year. When AEC  is launch  it will be opportunity of THAILAND  to expand market in this region. But THAILAND  need to improve the quality of product  and  to reduce costs in production process that will make THAILAND can competition with the countries in ASEAN.

Canned food & processed foods from THAILAND

Canned food & processed foods from THAILAND

      Thai country as major food exporter of the world. There are currently exports up to 9.6 9.6-trillion baht per year, in addition to export rice, sugar and shrimp. There are also Thai country exporting canned food and a lot of processed foods. The major product that make a lot of income to Thailand is canned fruits and canned tuna.

      Each year, Thailand exported  around  3-4 thousand million. The main market is Germany ,Netherlands ,United States, Canada ,Japan ,and also available in other markets that have a relatively high growth rate, Such as Cambodia, which has grown to 17% and 6% to China, This grows is a result of the country's strengths as a Thai is a manufacturer and exporter of canned fruit and vegetable products to major parts of the world. Especially, canned pineapple and pineapple juice with a standard factory in production and food safety according to international standards, such as HACCP and GMP,that make  product from THAILAND has been accepted in the world.

Thai Silver Jewelry in the World Market

Silver or white-metal jewelry market has gain interested around the world due to the continuously increase in gold price that now become an economic investing indicator. Therefore, silver jewelry has turned to be a precious jewelry instead of gold. Moreover, the skills in producing Thai silver jewelry are agreed as a neat high quality standard for over a century
Currently, the demand of Thai silver jewelry has been increased among buyers all over the world according to the factors of our special delicate skills, high standard as comparable to the level of European design, and the advance innovative design. All things consider, Thailand has become the world leader of silver jewelry export in both plain silver jewelry and Gem set silver jewelry. In 2009, Thai silver jewelry export valued almost 1/4 of world value or about 53.072 millions US dollar. This value will still be expected to increase continuously as long as the increase of gold price. Thailand will be the leader in both US and EU markets.
Even though Thai silver jewelry exporting has been increased constantly, we still face a few strong competitors in the world market like China and India. Both countries have high competitive advantages such as labor intensive and advance technology in production, which allow them to offer cheaper products into the market. These situations are completely effect Thailand, especially in the lower end market segment. Moreover, other competitors in the middle and high end markets like Turkey, Mexico and Italy have developed their production technology and marketing strategies which will cause more pressure to Thai silver jewelry to compete in the world market.
Furthermore, Thai silver jewelry that has value over 18 US dollars per dozen (H.S. code 7113.11.50) is likely to be eliminated the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) due to the high exporting value to US which almost reach the maximum value of 180 million US dollars. These are signs that show the decreasing in Thai silver jewelry export in the future.
However, Thailand still known and accepted as a delicated and high quality labor skills especially in the gem setting jewelry. Moreover, the high honesty in doing business is another main factor that help create higher image and reability than other competitors like China, India, and Sri Lanka.
The main factors that Thai jewelry producers need to improve are developing their own brands and designs to satisfy consumer behavior in each country, following fashion and trends, and partnering with world jewelry producers like China and India to gain competitive advantage in terms of material and labor cost.

Reference: Kasikorn Research Center, April 1, 2011